My name is George Gialis, born on January 7, 1999, and as of 2020 I am 21 years of Age. As an aspiring Architect, I have completed my Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) at Box Hill Institute, Victoria, while now currently completing a Bachelor of Design (Architecture) at Swinburne University, Victoria. Like many at a young age, I was pulled to the interest of Architecture through LEGO and the video game The SIMS where I would spend countless hours designing buildings and houses with the feeling that this is the profession that is for me. Major Influences in my life in the design world include Bjarke Ingles of the BIG Group and Santiago Calatrava, both architects aspirations is to be different and to create unique structures which has been a driving point in my own design aspirations, the need to have a sense of identity in each building designed is something pushing me to Design creatively and something I hope to achieve in my design career.
George Gialis
Bachelor of Design (Architecture)

Simon Wonga Bridge & Train Station Proposal

Simon Wonga Bridge & Train Station Proposal (Exterior Render)

Simon Wonga Bridge & Train Station Proposal (Exterior Render)

Simon Wonga Bridge & Train Station Proposal (View from Bridge Render)