My name is Aulia. That’s pronounced "o-lee-ya".

I'm a Melbourne-based graphic designer and illustrator. As a recent graduate in Bachelor of Communication Design and Marketing, I have incorporated several techniques in creating design that can be more impactful and appeal best to the target audience. I've worked with several small businesses, creating their brands as well as helping them to visualise some promotional materials. On the side, I have also started my own art-inspired online store, in which is built on the concept of celebrating positivity. It aims to inspire others in becoming more confident in showcasing their passion, whether it is in the form of artworks or hobbies – both through positivity-enriching posts and wearable products like enamel pins. This concept is also incorporated in general into my designs and illustrations, through colour, pattern, and style.

This passion ignited from a young age, growing up as a big fan of Disney and Pixar, following and learning the processes of creating artworks with deeper message. To this day, I enjoy studying animations beyond Disney, specifically understanding how layout, colours and expressions in stills create stories and celebrate culture even without the auditory layer, as us designers mostly create pieces that encapsulate stories in one singular piece.

Going on to the future, I hope to continue this belief of designing for a message and purpose.